Happy July 1!
I left lovely North Carolina at 41 years of age after the end of a 19 year marriage, and chose to live on Poros Island to paint to my heart's contentment for the few good years of life I thought I had left.
Those 'few good years' now add up to 27, and I suppose I have a few more to enjoy living!
The funny thing I've just remembered is that on my first 3-month application to extend my stay in Greece, for my occupation, I wrote 'writer' instead of artist. Yes, I had written some poems and hand-typed them into a little booklet to go with my art exhibit in Raleigh - Cycladic Paintings - in 1989, and I did write a lot in my journals, yet I really didn't think of myself as an actual writer who would publish a real book. I simply thought that, since I was starting out in a new country, writing seemed a more acceptable occupation than painting. Ah, the Fates were sniggering!
I'm not sure if it's reasonable to call this my second book, because the two I have published over the past two years are similar, yet the first book was a novel about a woman named Rose Reynolds and it was self-published on Amazon's Createspace. My good friends were alerted, and some of them kindly wrote their reviews on Amazon. This was the cover - representing Greece, staying afloat through the Troika years.
This second one is my memoir, edited by Bryony Sutherland, and illustrated with 40-100 paintings - 40 appear in the Special Edition book, and 100 in the kindle version. I was stunned when it was chosen as one of Best of Expat Nonfiction for 2015, and I'm very honored that it has received comments from excellent published writers whose work I admire.
Just yesterday, flying back to Greece from London after a whirlwind Alumni Holidays International (AHI Travel) tour, I sat next to the artist Carmen Clews, who is writing and sculpting - concentrating on sculptures of Yoga poses now, and her book The Magic Mat, written for children 9-12, and it sounds brilliant! She was going to Skiathos, the first island I visited in 1984. (Link https://amzn.com/B00NLBLMXE)
No matter what you think is going on, stay open to the new - you just never know what the Fates have in store for you!
Enjoy each bite! Pamela
GREEKSCAPES: Illustrated Journeys with an Artist
by Pamela Jane Rogers et al.
Link: https://amzn.com/B00H14P86O
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